Recent surveys showed how organisations with the most gender diversity overperform those with the least.

Starting point

Why Gender equality has a crucial importance on companies and on workplace.

Reportedly the most challenging ventures require a continuous exchange of different ways of thinking. Companies that foster gender diversity produce a more holistic analysis over issues and tasks to tackle with; in addition, it’s a profitable way to guarantee improvement in decision making process. Not possible not to mention the role of women in NGOs in order to: integrate marginalised segments of society, promote the empowering of women (especially victims of violence, injuries and discriminations); Foster an active participation of other women on society, mostly in complicated contexts.


A look over the concrete benefits:

NGOs will enhance its quality in terms of:

Reputation, Productivity, and in terms of Widening a talent pool. Notably, the presence of women in NGOs ensures good practices on inclusion and integration process concerning delicates case to handle with special care.

A relevant amount of women involved in NGOs volunteering is an additional resource to handle and facilitate progress in disadvantaged women.

Why developing and investing in gender diversity
Working towards greater gender equality is not a moral push, actually it is a crucial task for competitiveness and a proactive mission to accomplish.

To make gender equality and diversity sustainable, it is relevant not only to put women in charge for accountability; but also let them to be leader, as the circumstances require, in order to fulfill thoroughly situations.

Usefully and recommended material about the topics is available on the following links:

Done by: Stefano Nobili and participants from Italy